Friday, June 22, 2018

It's coming....grace and beauty life!

So I think there may be about 3 people that *may* look at this blog once every several months or so. Honestly, probably not even that often. This is a thing of my past, but something that may be resurrected a bit from time to time. If anything I'll keep it for me because hey...I like the recipes on here. There's some good stuff! I'll admit it took me some time to find this ol' blog a couple of months ago when I was trying to remember a meal I used to make and I needed to find my own food blog. It's embarrassing how long it actually took me to find it.

God's moving, as He always is. He's building dreams and missions in me. He's bringing to fruition some words he spoke over me years ago, and I'll soon be branching more out into the blog/website world. I'll share food ideas, oil information, life thoughts, updates, home and heart.

The new place, which is a work in progress, is Come pay me a visit, ok?

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