Thursday, January 28, 2010

Keeping it real

Just so you don't go thinking I'm some ultra healthy, feeding my family homemade meals every night of the week kind of gal, I thought I'd bring you down to Earth a bit. My usual "It's Thursday night and my husband is on the road for the next 4 nights and it's just me and the boys" dinner is this: eating what's left of the mac and cheese directly out of the pot while watching my kids watch the Suite Life. If I'm lucky, there might even be some crumbs leftover from the chocolate pop tarts they had for dessert. That's my totally glamorous rockstar wife's life. Sorry if I disappoint.


Kelle Ortiz said...

You make me laugh.

The Kiep Kid's Mom said...

Thank goodness I am not the only one!

Jen said...

I miss you! Sorry this is the outlet for me to let you know that. Can't wait to see you, although we really need to plan some time for the kids to get together in Feb.

Scott and Sara said...

You are awesome!!

Myrna said...

All I want to know is, where is the hidden camera in your kitchen? I'm scared.

Jacoline said...

"Keeping it real" is never dissapointing, Jen! Munch away...

(although NOT eating the kids'left overs helped me loose about 7 lbs in the past year)